The air breaths salt. The shells sleep along the shore, s C a T t e R d
pieces, broken, a graveyard across the bed of sand. Waves try to reach
the sky, then fall, crash to a bubbly death. (had to be dramatic)
The beach healed me.
guess I was kind of stressing out and worried about this year and then I
left my world for a little while and found this beautiful place.
Slowly all my promblems didn't seem so big, not next to this and the Creator who made it.
T h r o u g h b a c k
Four years ago... my life changed.
It was a tiny change.
A tiny change that transformed my entire galaxy.
My world before four years ago is kinda a hazy dream, half fantasy, half real.
It's kinda pitiful when I look
to the future and am scared because I should know by now that if God
could be with me for those last four years, he'll be with me in the
future. He will.
And all my petty dreams are scattered broken across the seashore like shells because God has a better plan.
But four years ago His plan didn't look better... it was.
So things change and we start
getting a tiny glimpse of the beginning of our story and we smile because
its so totally outside our wildest imaginations. Dreams are fictional
and sometimes nicer but not prettier, never prettier than God's plan.
Four years ago...
Memory: me walking on a beach only a couple miles from this one. Me before the change. Me when the change was just an echo. Me missing my home. Me writing a letter each day to my best friend. Me buying sea shell earrings for her.
Funny how different my world is today... and how I didn't know any of it that time four years ago before the change.
So I left the beach this year after an exciting week with friends, a half written sea story, a handful of shells and a heart refocused on His will...
<3 storyteller